Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Makes You Smile Photo Contest

The aim of this contest is to portray whatever it is that makes you smile, get all tingly inside, give you butterflies, whatever it is that brings a smile on your face.  You must give a brief description of why this photo makes you smile. The challenge is that you will not only be showing us what makes you smile, you must also be able to make others smile so they will “like” your photo! It can be a photo of anything that makes you smile. The winner will receive a free 1hr photo session with and 8x10 or two 5x7s of your choice included. Please email your photos to BrandieVPhotography@gmail.com by 7:00 p.m. on Sunday March 6th after I receive everyone’s photos they will be posted on my fb page by March 7th. The person with the most “likes” under their photo by Sunday March 13 at 7:00pm Wins!!!
Contest Rules: You can only vote once on one photo. You must “like” the site before it will let you like the photo of your choice.

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